Not all acres are equal, getting the optimal performance out of crops starts at the soil
level. Getting the most from every inch of
your soil is, of course, always the goal.

Key advantages
Improved soil health
Understand how your soil nutrient levels are changing so you can manage and balance nutrient levels in ways that bring the most potential.
Optimal crop nutrition
Boost nutrient uptake, maintain or increase soil
organic matter and decrease loss to the environment.
Optimized yield potential
Better understand what’s happening in your soil and gain a more accurate picture of your yield potential from field to field.
Sustainable nutrient
Agriculture continues to demand more from you – it requires balancing higher production with improved fertility management to manage all factors affecting your crops. Read more about how nutrient management starts with knowing your soil.
Rousseau Creek
In the spring of 2020, Trevor tried Decisive Farming by TELUS Agriculture’s variable rate program, Optimize RX®, on roughly 2,500 acres. It was then that he had an “a-ha” moment: after having a highly detailed irrigation report with extensive soil testing and soil zone maps completed on a few pieces of land, Trevor had Decisive Farming prepare VR maps for that same land. “You could lay the maps on top of one another, and they’re almost identical,” Trevor says, “That’s when you know, there’s something to this.”
Work better, not harder
Make decisions confidently with tailored recommendations driven by our research and your experience. Make each and every choice on your farm a strategic one.

Production efficiency
Improve your overall crop input efficiency through tailored solutions, from soil testing and agronomy to variable rate applications. Rest easy knowing you’re making the most out of each farmable zone.
Variability is key
Soil quality can vary in important ways. Knowing you have variable yield potential across the farm is the first step to strategically managing your fields.

Soil sampling
Your soil tests are reviewed by your agronomist to develop recommendations specific to your fields.

Variable rate technology
With variable rate technology in your hands, you’ll apply the right amount of nutrients combined with the ideal seeding rate.
Decisive Farming
Farm At Hand
Muddy Boots