
Through the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture, under the Growing Forward program, there’s a Farm Business Development Initiative. In my opinion, this hasn’t been well promoted, but up to $4,000 is available to help individual farmers engage private sector business services and/or access farm-related education and training programs. The farmer has to pay a minimum of 25 per cent of the consulting or training costs. The whole idea is to help farmers develop business plans and enhance business skills in nine areas – business strategy, marketing, production economics, human resources, finance, environment, succession planning, business structure and risk management. To get started, just contact one of the Ministry’s regional offices or call the Agriculture Knowledge Centre in Moose Jaw (1-866-457-2377). The first step is to complete a “Taking Stock” booklet to help identify your needs. Then you can set up an appointment with your local Ministry of Agriculture Farm Business Management Specialist and the specialist will help you determine what services to access. Support of up to $4,000 to help pay for private sector business services and/or training programs is an opportunity many producers should be accessing. I’m Kevin Hursh.