
In the challenging and ever-evolving world of agriculture, where unpredictability reigns and efficiency is paramount, Dowd Hill Farms stands as a testament to the power of innovation and strategic partnerships. Nestled in the expansive landscapes of Dodsland, Saskatchewan, this family-run operation has embraced cutting-edge agricultural technologies to transform its farming practices. The case study explores the challenges faced by the farm, the solutions provided by Decisive Farming, and the impactful results that followed, highlighting a partnership that exemplifies the fusion of traditional farming with modern technology to achieve sustainable success.


The challenge: finding efficiencies 

Dowd Hill Farms, operated by a family with deep roots in agriculture, faced significant challenges due to the inherent unpredictability of farming, particularly the fluctuating moisture levels which are crucial for crop success. They needed a way to enhance farm efficiency, especially in dry years, and make informed decisions about crop rotation and nutrient application based on varying soil conditions across different farm zones.


The solution: partnering with Decisive Farming

In 2017, Dowd Hill Farms partnered with Decisive Farming by TELUS Agriculture to implement variable rate technology and other digital solutions. This partnership was motivated by the need for precise, data-driven farming practices and was catalyzed by the credibility and knowledge of Garth Donald, Decisive Farming’s Manager of Agronomy. The farm initially tested the services on a portion of their land before fully committing all acres to Decisive Farming’s approach in the subsequent year. Key tools utilized included:

  • Variable rate prescriptions for precise nutrient application.
  • Farm At Hand app for soil sampling results, inventory record keeping, and daily digital record management.


The results: riding into the sunset with agronomic expertise

“The level of understanding and service Decisive Farming provides is reminiscent of the full-service era my grandfather enjoyed. It’s more than just agricultural solutions; it’s about building a partnership that extends beyond typical customer service,” reflects Eldon Summach at Dowd Hill Farms.

The adoption of Decisive Farming’s technologies and methodologies yielded substantial benefits for Dowd Hill Farms:

  • Improved crop management: In 2021, variable rate technology was crucial in adapting crop rotation and nutrient plans in response to an unexpected high nitrogen residual in the barley crop. This allowed for more targeted and effective use of resources.
  • Enhanced decision making: The data-driven approach helped the farm navigate the challenges of dry conditions, optimizing nutrient distribution tailored to the specific needs of different farm zones.
  • Increased operational efficiency: The farm experienced significant improvements in operational efficiency, hitting target yields more consistently even during dry spells.
  • Superior customer service: The level of service provided by Decisive Farming was highlighted as a major asset, reminiscent of the attentive, full-service care of past generations, emphasizing quick and responsive support.