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How weather stations can help make more informed crop management decisions
A growing number of farmers are using the internet of things (IoT) to save time, increase production and reduce costs. So, what is IoT and how can you benefit from using IoT solutions and connected devices in your operation?

Balancing Act: Reconciling the Laws of Minimum and the Maximum
Avoid extremes in your fertilizer strategy to achieve optimal soil health and drive profitability Does going to the extreme in fertilizer...

Are you maxing out? Applying the Law of the Maximum gets the most from your fertility investment dollars
Avoid excess crop nutrients in your fertilizer strategy to maintain soil health and protect your pocketbook The push to produce higher yields...

Is less more? Understanding the Law of Minimum to optimize your fertilizer strategy
Identify and correct crop nutrient deficiencies in your soil to increase yield and profit Achieving prosperity in Canadian agriculture is a...

How seed-placed fertilizer may hurt your crops if not applied carefully and attentively
Placing fertilizer within the seed row has been long-standing practice for many farmers across the prairies. Having those nutrients close to the...

Managing fertilizer’s salt effect in drought
During drought or dry conditions, salinity and pH levels can change quickly in the soil. While the forecast shouldn’t entirely dictate how you...

Safe seed-placed fertilizer practices and equipment limits
When it comes to applying seed-placed fertilizer, it is important to find the suitable application rate for each specific soil type and composition....

Strengthen your Seeding Strategy
On-farm weather stations and soil moisture probes take the guesswork out of seeding plans and execution As the 2023 seeding season is fast...

IoT on the farm
How to benefit from connected devices on your farm A growing number of farmers are using the internet of things (IoT) to save time, increase...

How weather stations can help make more informed crop management decisions
Up your defenses against unpredictable Mother Nature with an on-farm weather station’s accurate weather monitoring, forecasting and historical data...