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How to benefit from connected devices on your farm.
A growing number of farmers are using the internet of things (IoT) to save time, increase production and reduce costs. So, what is IoT and how can you benefit from using IoT solutions and connected devices in your operation?

Sustainable soil health strategies ebook
Download your “Sustainable soil health strategies” ebook You deserve healthy soil. Catch up on industry insights and useful resources when it comes...

Taking inventory – new digital tool helps monitor what’s in your bins
Seamlessly connect to your grain bins to help manage grain quality and time When grain is shipped, growers want to make sure they know how much is...

It’ll all be for the same purpose: to maximize the yield and take care of that soil
Brad McDougald jokes that farmers can always find something to complain about. “Doesn’t matter whether it’s too warm, too dry, too cold,” McDougald...

Healthy soil key to readying your fields for the coming season
The more you know about your soil, the better enabled you will be to make fertilizer decisions that work on every area of your farm While harvest...

On-farm fuel management in the palm of your hand
Staying connected to fuel inventories helps farmers manage deliveries, costs and time As Curtis Kornelson heads into his farmyard to harvest every...

Unearthing a sustainable soil health strategy
Most farmers can agree that although there’s no silver bullet to a bumper crop, healthy soil plays a crucial role, from seeding to harvest and...

Leveraging the cloud to save time, money on the farm
Most of us have heard of “Internet of Things (IoT)” – the interconnected cloud and devices, like our smart watches, that we use everyday to make...

Ultimate guide to farm management software
Download your free “Ultimate guide to farm management software” ebook A collaborative, whole-farm management solution allows you to organize tasks,...

Farm At Hand feature spotlight
Adding photos to your Farm At Hand records Getting the most out of your farm information means being able to see the whole picture - literally....

Tips for a successful crop scouting
You will often hear the statement “the best thing to put into your field is your shadow” or your “footprint”, or “boots” and the list goes on. This...