
In the competitive arena of agriculture, efficiency in managing farm operations is crucial. Curtis Kornelson, a progressive farmer from Kindersley, Saskatchewan, knows the importance of fuel – a vital yet costly resource. Ensuring his machinery is fueled and ready each morning is key to an effective harvest.

The challenge: running out of fuel during critical times

Before digital solutions, Curtis managed his fuel inventory using rudimentary methods like a string and bolt gauge which were inaccurate and labor-intensive. He faced the risks of running out of fuel or overpaying due to lack of precise monitoring. 

Curtis sought a technology solution that could provide accurate, real-time fuel inventory management to prevent machinery downtime and optimize fuel purchases.

The solution: on-farm fuel management in the palm of your hand

TELUS Farm Fuel Management system provided the technology Curtis needed. The system includes a remote monitoring device that sends hourly updates to his mobile device, alerting him when fuel levels reach the preset threshold of 20 percent.

Implementation steps:

  • Initial set-up with the sensor placed at the bottom of the tank.
  • Smart Dock installation with a solar panel for power.
  • Connectivity established for cloud-based monitoring.

Watching fuel for better efficiency with TELUS Farm Fuel Management.

Help track inventory levels and aid in the reduction of logistics costs, all while gaining valuable, real-time insights to better inform your business decisions by connecting your fuel tanks to a digital platform that you can view from anywhere at any time.

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The results: Going digital with fuel for better efficiency

The TELUS system revolutionized fuel management on Curtis’s farm. It enabled him to make informed decisions about when to order fuel, based on precise data rather than estimates. This led to cost savings by taking advantage of price drops and reducing the risk of over-purchasing.

The TELUS Farm Fuel Management system, facilitated quick and easy setup, providing Curtis with a sophisticated, yet user-friendly platform to manage his fuel inventory effectively. Regular fuel monitoring with the TELUS system helped Curtis improve operational efficiency and reduce environmental impact by optimizing fuel usage.

Curtis’s experience with TELUS’s Farm Fuel Management technology reflects a significant step forward in farm inventory management. It’s a testament to how connectivity and real-time data can transform essential farming operations.