
Digital record-keeping supports stronger farm teams

We’ve evolved from the days of working in our heads or writing things down. Data-driven farming technologies are creating opportunities in an evolving landscape where access to real-time, instantly shareable information is a must for optimal performance. Thanks to digital-record keeping, entire farm teams can now work on the same page with enhanced communication and collaboration. All this insight means farmers can make timely and informed decisions to achieve better productivity, performance and sustainability on every front.

Farm record-keeping software: Track every aspect of your business

As a farmer today, you have more information available at your fingertips than ever before. To keep up with the growing demand, manually collecting, processing and sharing data can, at times, be unrealistic. Today’s farm management software (FMS) supports easy, one-click tracking of everything happening across your operation – it’s then shared with your team members and third-party experts, based on permission settings you create as needed.

Leveraging the latest farming technology, data analytics and communications tools, farm management software allows you to realize the benefits of going digital within one user-friendly app. Whenever a team member enters any kind of update – agronomic management, labour-related or financials – new records are generated in real-time so you always know what’s happening, as well as exactly where and when an activity is taking place.

You’re now using quantifiable data for a clearer understanding and a synchronicity that helps your entire operation achieve all your goals.

Real-time farm data drives proactive decisions for successful seeding

When evaluating the impacts of digital ag record-keeping on the farm, you can take a deeper dive into a more specific task. Digital records and real-time farm data can drive several proactive decisions to help get crops off to a solid start. Here are a few:

Ideal seeding speed and depth. When your agronomist is connected to your farm through farming software, you can collaborate with them, your operators, scouts and manager more efficiently. Plus, your trusted advisors can make recommendations quicker. With crop plans and prescriptions ready at your fingertips, checking in as you go is easy and effective.   

Make the best fertility and herbicide decisions for sustainable crop management. Using your farm software to track application products, rates, timing and placement reduces waste across all your acres while allowing you to compare records against results. With the rising costs of fertility and weed management, using your real-time data to drive decisions can majorly impact the farm’s bottom line.

Future seeding decisions based on comparison. As you record pertinent crop management details, including seeding dates, seed varieties and pounds seeded per acre, your FMS becomes an excellent comparison tool. This way you can have a complete picture of what worked and where improvements can be made, which will help for future decision-making.

A connected team is a productive team

With so much happening simultaneously on the farm today, an integrated team of on-farm hands working collaboratively with outside experts can improve growth and profitability year-over-year. Centrally stored and managed records allow everyone to track tasks completed or in-process by the entire team. Meanwhile, performance trends identify what’s working and where issues can be addressed before they become larger concerns. 

For generational farms in the midst of transition, your farming software can play an integral role in supporting the family through the process with stronger communication.

As agriculture technology continues to advance on the farm, remember that your FMS is not there to replace the people involved in a year’s production – it’s there to elevate their abilities by bringing everyone together.

Read more about how farm management software can help take your on-farm team and trusted advisors to the next level in our collaboration blog series

Ready to use digital record-keeping to support your team today? Let’s get to work. Together. Contact your local Decisive Farming representative today