
Ever thought about using options on your farm to manage price risk?

With more and more price volatility in the commodity market place, farms should be looking at and exploring the different risk management and crop marketing tools available to them.  “We have seen more price movement in the last 5 months than we have seen in most years” says John Snell, Managing director, Risk Management Inc. Tools such as options can be used in a cost effective way if used properly and with commitment to the hedge plan one has put in place. The following chart touches on a Producer Option Costless Collar and how this strategy can lock in price without breaking the bank doing so.


Know-Risk™ Farm Management focuses on individual strategies like a Costless Collar and many others that are tailored to your farms individual needs to minimize risk and focus on farm profitability.  For more information on Know-Risk™ Farm Management please contact:

Remi Schmaltz

General Manager, Decisive Farming