
Which crop should I harvest?

This spring and summer has been a trying one in southern Alberta; and the fall looks to be the same way. With all the excess moisture, hail and stress crops in the DynAgra trading area are multi staged and late. So the question arises, “How do I harvest a multi staged...

Canola Filling In

All of these sunny days we have had in the past week has really helped the canola along.  At our Get More Bushels Super Crop Plot near Blackie, the canola has really filled in.  Canola is a smart plant and any spare room it has to grow, it will take it and flourish as...

Fungi is not really a Fun Guy!!

Now that the in crop weed spraying is complete, it is time to think about disease and insect spraying. It sure seems like a never ending cycle, and to boot, you have to hope that the white combine misses all your crops! This can make for a very stressful time of year....

Where did all the N go?

With the large amounts of moisture that has engulfed most of the prairies, nitrogen fertilizer has been on the move. Volitization, leaching, and denitrification losses can add up to some sick plants. Below is a flow chart on how to scout for fertilizer deficient...