What’s Your #MyFarmVictory
Prairie Mountain Farms, Saskatchewan
By comparing all the soil test results from each zone within our fields using Decisive Farming’s services, we have been able to maximize potential in all areas. Even with adverse weather conditions we were still able to maximize the nutrients and resources being applied. Donald and Kirsten Gaudet
What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Redstar Farms, Alberta
We will continue with Decisive Farming for years to come and into farm succession. Their solutions are part of our ‘tool box’. Our farming practices utilizes the 4R principle and I couldn’t have been more proud of the 3 generations working side by side with Decisive Farming to make 2020 a success!
Reint, Alberta
Reint, from Northern Alberta, continues to see value in implementing VR on his farm. This year, not only did he see consistency from end to end with maturity on his wheat field, but he also reported his canola yield averaging at 60 bu/acre!
What’s your #MyFarmVictory
Harley, Manitoba
Harley, from Western Manitoba, is just as busy as any farmer. But by having access to a personal, risk management advisor, he can continue to focus his attention where it’s needed most. He knows his advisor has his back to take advantage of market opportunities.
What’s your #MyFarmVictory
Chris, Manitoba
Chris, from Manitoba, wanted to optimize profitability, maximize his team’s capabilities & increase his farm’s sustainability. To do so, he knew the importance of implementing a tailored nutrient mgmt. program. By doing this, he yielded just shy of 70 bu/acres.
What’s your #myFarmVictory?
Trevor, Manitoba
Trevor, from Western Manitoba, wrapped the 2020 harvest with a bang! By integrating a precision agronomy program on his farm over the last 3 years, he has continued to improve his profitability.
What is your #MyFarmVictory?
Stewart, Saskatchewan
Stewart, from SK, was hesitant to try VR seeding because he would be the first in his area to try it. Through a consultative approach and guidance throughout the entire process, gave him the confidence to implement VR on all of his pulses.
What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Jean, Saskatchewan
“I don’t know what you did but I can’t get the canola out of the hole of my swather – there is too much of it!” Jean, from SK, had bad experiences previously when it came to VR, however, through a collaborative approach, he continues to see successes.
What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Greg, South Peace
Prior to making digitalization of his farm records a priority, Greg’s record keeping was a bit unreliable as he was using notebooks & sticky notes to track applications. Now he understands the importance of digitizing his records to ease his workload.
What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Tom, Southern AB
Customer service goes a long way. Tom, from Southern AB, knows the value customer service brings to his operation. Through a collaborative approached based on his land knowledge & our experience, he received a tailored plan based on his needs & goals.
What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Mike, Central AB
Working alongside our agronomist, Andrea, Mike was pleasantly surprised with the recommendations he was provided. By leveraging his knowledge of his land and Andrea’s expertise, Mike has seen noticeable differences in his fields.
What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Yorian, Southern AB
Yorian, sees the value in having a successful cereal crop & not just using it for a rotational gap in his specialty crops. To make his cereal crop successful, he looked to our team, with a core value of amazing customer service, to get him there.
What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Harley, Western MB
Harley knows the value of having a solid team surround him. By working with trusted partners like Decisive & @Stone_X, he can continue to be as busy as ever knowing that he won’t miss out on a market opportunity, even if he loses focus on the markets.
What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Jelmer, Southern AB
Jelmer, was hesitant about VR because his field are very flat & he felt there may not be variability across his field. After test driving our solutions, neighbours are now asking what he had done to that field as they noticed a vast improvement.
What’s your #MyFarmVictory
John & Leonard, Northwest SK
The River Hills provides a beautiful backdrop, but John & Leonard face a variability nightmare. By implementing a tailored VR program, they put down the correct amount of nutrients to allow the difficult landscape to work for them rather than against.
What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Brian, Northwest SK
Change can be scary, but it doesn’t have to be difficult. Brian was hesitant when it came to embracing new technology. After going through our collaborative approach & boots on-the-ground support, he couldn’t believe how easy it was to implement.
What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Dylan, Southeastern SK
Dylan had purchased a new drill & was struggling to sync his prescription files. The Decisive team was on sit to work next to Dylan to trouble shoot the issue. The dedication of our rep proved to him that we are part of his team wanting him to succeed.
What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Russel, South Peace, AB
“As I was going down the field, I watched as the rates on my monitor change!” Through collaboration, Russel was able to use his current blend & the product he already purchased to strategically get more from every zone in his field.
What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Tyler, Western MB
Tyler had concerns about testing his VR prescription without physical support during the COVID-19. Through video chats with us, he was very excited to get the seed in the ground once his equipment was properly equipped with 2 cables to enable GPS.
What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Mark, Southeast SK
Mark knows the value of soil health & nutrient levels. Using info from his VR fields, he wanted a way to apply organic manure. By collaborating with us, they found a manure spreader that could load a prescription designed to improve his organic land.
What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Dale, South Western SK
Just before seeding, Dale was reviewing his VR recommendations & noticed how VR was optimizing efficiency. “You sure can see where we had no crop last year & soil sampled. We don’t need as much fert this year since there was residual fert still there!”
What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Jason, Western SK
Jason, a SK-based grower, saw first-hand on his monitor how by implementing a tailored prescription adjusted nutrient rates throughout each farmable zone in his field. “This looks pretty cool. I totally agree with what’s going on here”.
What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Laine, Northern AB
With the transition between generations, Laine values record keeping. For years there wasn’t a consistent system in place to help with planning. Knowing that they now have a centralized place to store their info is making the transition smoother.
What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Cole, Western MB
Cole stepped into a more influential role on his family farm. He wanted to ensure there would be no complications with the VR equipment this Spring. By performing #RunTime with us, Cole fixed his sectional control issue well before crunch time.
What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Jeff, North Western MB
The markets have been extremely volatile this season, so Jeff teamed up with an advisor from @INTLFCStone to develop a crop marketing plan. A drop in the Canadian dollar warranted a basis spike & he was able to immediately act in his favour.
What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
David, Central AB
As a generational farm, David, wanted to find a way to eliminate all the back & forth between yards to find paperwork. By implementing a farm management solution like #MyFarmManager, their info is now stored in one place – no more papers going missing.
What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Trevor, Peace Country
Tracking the activities you’ve assigned your team can sometimes be overwhelming. Trevor wanted a solution to help improve his team’s efficiency when in the field. Implementing a farm mgmt. solution like #MyFarmManager helped offset these challenges.
What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Trevor, Western MB
Fields, inputs, equipment info & inventory were being recorded by memory leaving room for error. By storing his info in one place, Trevor was able to streamline team communication while controlling access with permission settings in #MyFarmManager.
What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Trevor, MB
Trevor hesitated to incorporate a farm management solution like #MyFarmManager into his operation as he didn’t want to make things more complicated. But with the hands-on training, Trevor’s team is now set up to easily navigate & access all the farm info.
What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Keenan, AB.
2019 harvest conditions were not ideal. Keenan, from AB, knew capitalizing on time-sensitive market opportunities would be key to giving him peace of mind. Having access to tools, he delivered his canola right off the combine & captured his margin. What is your #MyFarmVictory?
Bernie, Northern AB
Bernie struggled with crop planning due to inefficient record keeping. By storing his info in one place, he now has more control of his operation & at the click of a button, he can access his nutrient recommendations to make timely decisions.
What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Trevor, Northern AB
As a 18,000-acre operation, running multiple types of drills, integration of controllers, capturing information & operator changes can be complicated. Trevor saw the value of capturing all his farm’s information in the same place with #MyFarmManager.
What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Paul, AB.
Paul, from an independent agronomy company in northern AB, can continue delivering his high-quality service by resolving crop issues faster with timely scouting reports & recommendations when it matters most to his multiple customers on one platform. What is your #MyFarmVictory?
Ben, SK.
Ben, from southwestern Saskatchewan, was looking for a way to simplify his spraying operations. “I needed a better way to confirm with my spray plane pilots what field to spray.” With solutions from Decisive, they modified wall maps, communications and their applications until they could easily confirm field names, crop types, legal land and acres applied. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Allan, MB.
Communications across Heritage Farms is stronger than ever. Doug Heritage, his farm manager, Allan Smirl, and their operators, scouts and agronomists now work closer than ever without missing a beat. Heritage Farms can now ensure the recording of applications and review their history at the click of a button.
Darren, AB.
Darren, a malt barley farmer from northern Alberta, chatted with one of our experts at a Know-Risk workshop. He has now extended his team with one of our crop marketing experts, crafting better plans and executing customized strategies that fit his farm and goals. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Glen and Dale, MB.
Glen and Dale, brothers from western Manitoba, know that long-term investments have historically paid off on their farm. When times are tough, their integrated farm management and VRT programs made their operation more efficient. Now they consider their farm management platform equal in importance to their crop inputs. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Justin, AB.
Justin worked side by side with his father for years on their northern Alberta farm. He took over the farm last season and was looking to shine. Backed by his team at Decisive, Justin had peace of mind and confidence in every decision he made on his farm. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Dave, AB.
First impressions matter – that’s why Dave, a grower in the Peace area, chose to collaborate with us to implement new solutions for his farm. He felt that our team would be loyal and committed, something that’s not always easy to come by. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Mike, AB.
Integrated farm management isn’t always the easiest thing to explain. Mike, from a colony near Lethbridge, Alberta, needed a partner that could convey the value behind any new solutions brought to the operation. Decisive was able to tailor a program to his needs, and back it with data and results. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Alan knows a thing or two about farming after 45 seeding seasons. That’s why he requires high levels of service. “It’s leaps and bounds ahead of anything I’ve ever received,” says Alan – proof that nothing can replace personalized care. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Eldon, SK.
“Having immediate access to a team makes running my operation more efficient.” Eldon, from western Saskatchewan uses our full farm solutions to optimize his whole farm with collaborative, tailored solutions that meet his needs. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Eldon, SK.
New technology always has a learning curve, but Eldon, a customer from western Saskatchewan hit the ground running with a new monitor last growing season, thanks to the hands-on support he received. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Lawrence, MB.
Technology issues don’t have to put a damper on your season. Lawrence, of Manitoba, discovered the lengths his Decisive team would go to when his GPS stopped working. Reps stayed the course, making calls and finding a solution that would get Lawrence back up and running in no time. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Chris, MB.
Chris, from western Manitoba, never thought about using a farm management platform on his farm. That is, until he received hands-on training with the Decisive team. He quickly discovered the value of the tools and traceability across his operation. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Brett, AB.
Even the experts love Croptivity. Brett, an agronomist in central Alberta, uses Croptivity to deliver a solid experience to his customers. “I’ve tried most of the main apps in the marketplace, but Croptivity is my favourite to work with growers on.” What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Blake, AB.
Things get busy. That’s not going to change, and that’s what happened to Blake’s mixed operation in northern Alberta. But his team at Decisive is flexible, and they worked within his schedule to integrate My Farm Manager into his operation when it worked for him. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Conrad, AB.
Build your team – Conrad from central Alberta worked with us in the lead up to spring. He had access to customized on-the-ground support based on his farm and his needs, all to ensure his success when it was time to hit the field. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Kelly, AB.
Mistakes aren’t only annoying – they’re costly. Kelly, from central Alberta, tried Sure Check, along with a demo of My Farm Manager and immediately saw the value it provided. Now he knows his application operator always has the info he needs to apply to the right fields. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Eric and Tim, SK.
Eric and Tim, from the Yorkton area, quickly realized that their variable rate technology files for their 1,000 acres came with more than just data. They had a full team at their backs, with expert knowledge and the dedication to help them achieve their goals. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Mike, SK.
Big farms mean lots of moving pieces, and communication is key. Mike, from western Saskatchewan, is able to easily break down tasks and track progress in real time with Croptivity on his 30,000-acre operation. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Farm-Employee, SK.
A farm-employee in western Saskatchewan was nervous about making the switch to using Croptivity in his daily routine. That quickly changed once he used it – the platform was designed with ease-of-use in mind to ensure success on the farm. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Mike, SK.
“This app can do everything,” says Mike, from western Saskatchewan. He used to wish that he could go back and look into his field history. Now he can with the click of a button. It’s all thanks to Croptivity. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Sheldon, MB.
Still questioning whether it’s time to go digital on your operation? So was Sheldon, from northwestern Manitoba. The personalized support, customer service and successful spring were enough to convince him that going with Decisive was the right move. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Dustin, MB.
When Dustin, a grower from northwestern Manitoba, decided it was time to strengthen his fertility plan, he knew he needed a professional team behind him. “Decisive Farming has the right people available when I need them.” What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
George, AB.
Keep things simple, and they’ll always work. That’s what George, from a southern Alberta colony knew, and that’s why he chose My Farm Manager for his operation. The first year was a hit with his team, and he plans to continue to use Decisive solutions to strengthen operations on the colony. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Adrian and Mandy, MB.
When it came time for Adrian and Mandy, of eastern Manitoba, to take over the farm, they didn’t let stress get the best of them. They streamlined communications and automated many routine tasks with an integrated platform. It saves them time and stress, plus it lets them focus on their other business needs. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Darcy, SK.
Darcy, from the Yorkton area, was concerned with wasted product on his operation. With the help of a variable rate solution and the dedication of his Decisive team, he’s no longer seeing any wasted fertilizer. Plus, he’s getting the most from every acre. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
La Liberte Family
Weather can be unpredictable. After the La Liberte Family Farm experienced years of extreme drought and rainfall events, they chose to incorporate our variable rate service. Since, they’ve seen a significant change in income, yield, grade and harvestability. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Ko, SK.
Ready for your best yields ever? Ko, from the Yorkton area, was ready back in 2018. He worked with his Decisive team and saw his best year ever, thanks to the recommendations he received. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Cory and Cole, SK.
Cory and Cole, from northeastern Saskatchewan, faced monitor issues early in their harvest. After a brief slowdown, our team helped them eliminate the issue and continue on their way. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Ben, SK.
Ben, from southwestern Saskatchewan, was looking for a way to simplify his spraying operations. “I needed a better way to confirm with my spray plane pilots what field to spray.” With solutions from Decisive, they modified wall maps, communications and their applications until they could easily confirm field names, crop types, legal land and acres applied. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Darren, AB.
Darren, a malt barley farmer from northern Alberta, chatted with one of our experts at a Know-Risk workshop. He has now extended his team with one of our crop marketing experts, crafting better plans and executing customized strategies that fit his farm and goals. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Justin, AB.
Justin worked side by side with his father for years on their northern Alberta farm. He took over the farm last season and was looking to shine. Backed by his team at Decisive, Justin had peace of mind and confidence in every decision he made on his farm. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Joe and Cindy, AB.
Joe and Cindy, from northern Alberta, recently discovered the benefits of going paperless on their farm. Even with relatively little internet access in their area, they’re thrilled that solutions from Decisive empower them to capture records. Now they have real-time access to inventory so they can make more strategic crop marketing decisions. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Scott, AB.
Success starts with good preparation – something that Scott, from southern Alberta, knows. At the start of his season, he worked with his team at Decisive to eliminate some last-minute equipment issues and made sure his GPS, controller and seeding equipment all communicated properly ahead of seeding. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Southern AB Colony
Setting up 51 fields across three different tractors could be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. A southern Alberta colony recently worked with Decisive to get set up before the season started and take any guess work out of their operation. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Western MB Farm
Cost savings aren’t just a nice to have – they can be the difference between a good season and a great one. A farm in western Manitoba recently realigned their agronomy program with a tailored VRT prescription. With that prescription in hand, they’re now able to manage their crop inputs in yield potential zones more accurately. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Ryan, AB.
Ryan, from southern Alberta, came to Decisive with a desire to create a more gradual transition from rate to rate between zones of his farm. Our patented fertility zones delivered on his request, and now he’s confident in the seeding rates he uses while also reducing his chances of plugging his air drill. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Ethan knew that his soil could be the difference between a strong harvest and an average one. He now has peace of mind that his soil is performing thanks to a tailored VRT prescription that fits each of his fields – plus the prescription allowed him to apply fertilizer and seed earlier this season. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Brandon, MB.
Brandon, from Manitoba, was new to variable rate technology. We worked with him to put his mind at ease as he learned the ropes. Plus, the RunTime support program caught a communication issue with his GPS prior to seeding, saving him hours of delay come seeding time. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Brandon, MB.
After no soil sampling for nearly 10 years, Brandon, from Manitoba, decided it was time. The team at Decisive worked with him to help him understand his base fertility. They then crafted an integrated nutrient management strategy for the upcoming season based on the results. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Brandon, MB.
Wondering if variable rate technology is a fit for your farm? So did Brandon, from Manitoba. But when he decided to go with Decisive, he discovered a whole team of experts dedicated to making the most of every acre on his farm. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
George, AB.
George, from a colony in southern Alberta, no longer needs to second-guess himself or his team. He worked with Decisive to create a reference map with field names, crop types, legal land and acres applied. It has now become an essential tool for planning his next season. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Greg was skeptical of incorporating VRT on his farm – that is until he saw it in action at a local crop tour last growing season. Once he discovered the many benefits VRT would bring his operation, like nutrient management tailored to each field, Greg decided it was more than worth the investment. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
John and Leonard, SK.
The benefits of variable rate processes go further than just efficient nutrient management. Through the use of satellite imagery, John and Leonard, from northwestern Saskatchewan, settled a dispute with an energy company that had caused flooding on their land. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Mitchell, MB.
Wondering if your drill is capable of VRT? So do a lot of growers. Mitchell, from western Manitoba, asked his Decisive team the same thing. They worked with him and his equipment to change wiring and acquire an unlock code from his dealer. Now Mitchell is implementing VRT on his farm with his existing equipment. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Jeremy, MB.
Jeremy, from Manitoba, hadn’t grown barley in quite some time. His Decisive team provided boots-on-the-ground support and insights, capturing photos and providing an idea of possible diseases in his fields. Jeremy was then able to pass that information to his independent agronomist, ensuring proper application timing for reduced disease pressure. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Mike and Ben
Mike and Ben operate over 6000 acres of farmland, meaning that communication between their multiple teams is critical to success. Their Decisive team provided hands-on training and support so everyone on the operation could use their equipment and technology to the fullest, even across different makes and models. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Chris, MB.
Chris, from Manitoba, often faced dry springs and rainy summers. But after a year using a variable rate prescription crafted with his Decisive team, he’s quick to point out that having a strategic agronomy plan in place goes a long way toward ensuring success. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Northern AB Colony
While internet permission levels vary by colony, farm data recording requires a connection to the internet, no matter what. A colony in northern Alberta worked with their Decisive team to create a permissions solution that worked for them, and now they fully benefit from Croptivity. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
When harvesting, one of Donald’s employees noticed some lodging in the field and suggested cutting back on fertilizer. With Donald’s knowledge and his agronomic recommendations from his Decisive team, he knew he could instead make adjustments to prevent lodging in the area in the future. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Hugh, SK.
Hugh, a farmer from Saskatchewan, was looking to increase his yield potential. He worked with his Decisive team to create a tailored agronomic plan. With support from Decisive, Hugh saw a 12 bu./ac. Increase on his farm. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Malt Barley Farm
The production of high-quality malt barley requires an incredible degree of care and management – more than most other crops. With analysis from Decisive, microbreweries are now seeing the value-added services involved in creating quality malt and great beer. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Ryan, SK.
Ryan, from Saskatchewan, was just setting out on his own last year. With the high level of technical, agronomic and customer service he experienced with Decisive, he saved time and money. Plus, he found great value in the VRT practices and nutrient management programs he created with his Decisive team. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Rhonda and Kelly
With the current, fluctuating and ongoing trade wars facing Canada, Rhonda and Kelly truly appreciate their crop marketing team from Decisive and INTL FCStone Inc. Knowing that someone is checking in on their grain and market plan helps them feel confident in their decisions on when and how to sell their commodities. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
When Brian decided to try variable rate fertilizer and seeding on his barley crop, he noticed his crop headed out at the same time, with even composure – especially compared to his non-VR barley. He now values his VR program for its notable agronomic benefits. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Clifford was concerned about how he would track yields if he tried to implement variable rate technology. “I have no way to capture yield data.” His Decisive team went through an in-depth equipment evaluation and ordered compatible monitors for his equipment. After they installed them, Clifford was up and running with yield monitors in both of his combines. Capturing that data will now help him make future agronomic decisions as well. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Taylor Farms
Taylor Farms looked for a partner that could be flexible enough to work around their schedule – farming doesn’t always happen on a strict clock. That’s why they value the fact that Decisive works with them to create a precision agronomy plan that they could execute on their time. What’s your #MyFarmVictory?
Jeremy, MB
“What bin is that seed in and which field did it come from again?” Jeremy, from MB, and his farm team have used #Croptivity for the last few years and can easily answer those questions within seconds. Gathering seed samples couldn’t be easier.
What’s your #MyFarmVictory?