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Balancing Act: Reconciling the Laws of Minimum and the Maximum
Does going to the extreme in fertilizer application overcome yield limitations? When it comes to plant development and yield, imbalance is more likely to threaten soil health, production and your pocketbook. Instead, achieving nutrient balance is crucial to crop success.

Ag 101: Growing degree days
Your soil has a unique story

Ag 101: What is NDVI?

Performance & profitability ebook
Download your free “Performance & profitability” ebook Knowledge is power, especially with all the information your farm has to offer. The most...

Case Study: V33 Farms
Maximizing efficiency with Optimize RX® variable rate technology V33 Farms, operated by the Melnyk family for roughly three decades, spans 3,000...

Your Cereal Seeding Rate Matters Too
Garth Donald, Manager of Agronomy at Decisive Farming, has three recommendations to help optimize your seeding rate. Read more in the Alberta Seed...

Performance Insights: Validate Your Management Practices and Discover Opportunities for Improvement
Not all acres are equal, getting the optimal performance out of crops starts at the soil level

Understanding soil variability
Not all acres are equal, getting the optimal performance out of crops starts at the soil level

Nutrient Management: A balancing act
Not all acres are equal, getting the optimal performance out of crops starts at the soil level

Soil Sampling: The Key to Nutrient Management
Not all acres are equal, getting the optimal performance out of crops starts at the soil level

Precision Nutrition and Its Impact on a Sustainable Future
The days of applying a flat rate of fertilizer to entire fields is coming to an end. In its place is more efficient soil fertility and fertilizer...